What, Why & How?

There's a slight chance that this article is slightly going to look like a school term paper, since we need to include some definitions, types and features of cabotage. But as a bonus - after reading it you'll get an overall image of what cabotage and, in particular, container cabotage is, and why this way of transport is unique and beneficial.

Okay, let's start.

Cabotage. Definition & Types

In brief, cabotage is a domestic coastline shipping. It's partly true in today's world. Many countries even possess a special cabotage fleet that primarily consists of small ships. They move along the coast without entering the high seas and transport cargo or passengers between ports of the same country.

However, nowadays the term "cabotage" is used not only for marine, but also railway, automobile or air cargo transportation within the borders of one country. Besides, such internal shipment is executed by a transportation company of another/foreign country. And yes, it is necessary to have a special permission to do so.

So these days, the term "cabotage" has several definitions:

  • Cargo transportation between ports of the same country implemented by a special cabotage fleet of this country;
  • Cargo shipment on the territory of one country implemented by any vehicle that belongs to a company of another country.
In fact, many countries including Russia, the USA, China restrict this type of transportation. The reason lies in the aim of the government is to protect its citizens, providing them with work and business development opportunities.

Maritime cabotage can be of two main types:
  • Petit cabotage (small cabotage) - navigation between ports of the same sea.
  • Grand cabotage (large or great cabotage) - navigation between ports of different seas

Usually in order to move cargo by sea, companies use different types of metal shipping containers. Dry Shipping Containers or Dry Cube are used most often. As a rule, volume cargo is moved in FEU (forty-foot equivalent unit, 40-foot long container), while heavy load is transported in TEU (twenty-foot equivalent unit, 20-foot long container).

If it is necessary to follow special temperature regime in order to protect the load integrity, refrigerator containers or reefers are chosen. For liquids and gases there are special tank containers, tanktainers or cisterns.

Loads can also be oversized, and in order to transport those, there are Flat Rack Containers. There are also Open Top boxes with a special tent or hard cover on top.

By the way, all ISO containers from owners for sale or rent are presented on Containers.Guide. There are also empty containers for one-way use available on the website.

Cabotage on Containers.Guide

No, that's not what you might think after reading the cabotage definitions above.

We do not transport freight. Our main goal is to connect owners and potential users of shipping containers; and by users we mean both buyers and renters. Among offers on Containers.Guide, you'll also find empty containers for using. And in this particular content we assume container cabotage.

What's the idea of the service? A company offers a heavy tonnage container for temporary use for shipping load from point A to point B without returning an empty container to point A. It's like leasing a container for a specific transportation or a one-way trip.

Advantages of container cabotage

Thereby, during one-way cabotage logistic companies or container owners increase container turnover and attract new clients, while these clients do not spend time and money on container maintenance and repair. Mutually beneficial deal.

Container cabotage is obviously advantageous to a load owner. This is a fact.

And yes, water freight is not the fastest way of transportation, but it has its advantages. First of all, statistically it is a very safe means of transportation: the probability of an accident or casualty in the conditions of modern shipping is minimal. Secondly, the costs of maritime transport are significantly lower than, for instance, air transportation. Generally, the overall cost is calculated based on load sizes and distances between the points of departure and delivery.

Choosing container cabotage, companies collaborate on maximum favorable terms. Company performer, i.e. container owner, organizes the whole transportation process that usually includes:

  • Delivery to the port by an automobile vehicle;
  • Consignment;
  • Temporary storage on a warehouse area, if necessary;
  • Documentation and insurance;
  • Container shipment to the delivery point.
It is possible to clear all the details specifically with a container owner. So if you are interested in such a service, visit this page.

That's all for now.
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